Saturday, December 31, 2011

Spoiler Alert.

Hey people.

I feel the need to remind anyone who may read this, I'm writing for a very select audience.

The only people who follow this blog are my grandmother, my sister, and my aunt. While I know my sister doesn't check blogs anymore, my aunt and grandmother may check this blog on occasion and read with the greatest of interest.

Teresa, Bernice. You might want to stop reading right now. I'm not held responsible if you go running and screaming.


I'm really interested in cross-dressing. Like, a lot. I know that I've always liked the idea. Watching ms. doubtfire, tootsie and dame edna always made me really happy inside. And seeing as I'm about to have my own source of income, I'm probably going to be buying some womens clothes, a wig, and (obviously) a fake pair of breasts.

I don't know when or where I would do it. I'm just thinking it would be really nice to go out for tea on the weekend, sit with my legs crossed by a window, and write. If someone nearby says hi, I would introduce myself as Lucy, and chuckle on the inside. But I would really enjoy playing dress up, and being a chick.

I ask myself what this means, but I really can't find an answer. Maybe I'm trying to escape, but from what I have no idea. I just want to do this. Maybe I'll hate it, but I can only know if I try.


Merry christmas?

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