Friday, July 9, 2010

Forgive Me, Luke, For I am your Father

I, Graham Phillips, stand trial for two grievous sins, that hurt my soul and my face.

First, I have not upheld a solemn oath, to post every day of summer, and for that, i am truly sorry. However, This problem is easily rectified. I'm posting now. That makes up for it. I win.

Second, I have look upon another performers work, and i have scorned it. These performers offer there art, in blessed innocents, wanting no more then the pure unfettered adoration of the audience. Looking upon this gift, this offering, this idea of beauty and love, I have spit on it. Not openly, I have some polite urges left within my stomach. But, none the less, I understand the shoes of critic, and what a pain it is to walk in them.

Now, i think this poetic confession counts as a post. Hmmm, if only there were some way to measure if something was post worthy. If only i had some sort of moderator, someone who understood the criteria of this blog, the point, if you will. Something like a creator, who, by knowing the original purpose behind the blog, could therefore validate the validity of a post. Someone like...... Oh, right, Me.


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